Chairman’s Chair

I am writing this on the eve of the 25th Annual General Meeting of Nottsborough FC. As most Nottsborough aficionados are aware the minutes to the previous 24 AGMs have all mysteriously suffered the same fire-related fate but I have chaired every one and can confirm they were all very open, very engaging and very valuable affairs. And, most importantly, they all ended up with a trip to the pub.

I will try to save my season overview to my slot within the AGM Agenda in the (vain) hope it might drive more of you to come to the event itself (at Vizeum in that frighteningly new office/lifestyle oasis just off the Euston Road near Warren Street tube, kick off 6.45, Brian Williams/Chris O’Connor duet top of the bill) but suffice to say I will give due prominence to those Captains and Vice-Captains of the five teams and not just the ones who won stuff but all of them because it has to be the most difficult jobs of all jobs, probably in the world, certainly up there with open-face coal mining and painting off-shore oil rigs near Aberdeen). Really. So please come along to say thank-you if nothing else but, more importantly to vote in next year’s heroes.

You could also give your view on club-related stuff (movement between teams being the hot issue of season 2012/13, leading to lots of shot glances and sighing at Vizeum’s offices and that just from the bloke on the door who has to give each of us a badge. Not the world’s hardest job to be fair – see previous references to this – but probably slightly unfair on a bloke just trying to earn an honest crust. Thinking about it, perhaps give him a very cheery hello this year and treat him like a long-lost pal which, to be fair, to some of us in fact he is).

I will however certainly be mentioning the 2s who had yet another excellent season, romping home with 20 furlongs to spare with the Title but falling agonisingly at the last hurdle with both Cups (I may be mixing up my racing codes there. Apologies.). I will also big up Sutty and the 1s for their own Title win which was nothing short of miraculous given early-season form and of course Brian, our very own SAF whose legendary status within SAL/AFA football will surely be recognised at some point by the authorities? I will also big up Shawsy who did a grand job as 3s Captain and who now appears somewhat mysteriously to be disappearing to some tax-free haven to enjoy his drug dealing, sorry teaching, career. I will also make specific reference to Matt Rolfe, featured elsewhere on today’s always entertaining

So there you are, if that little sneak preview doesn’t succeed in prizing you away from the One Show then I am at a loss as to what to do. Just think a career in team management or finance (Treasurer) or leisure management (Social Sec) all lie ahead if you make the effort to Vizeum it up.

To all existing volunteers, thank-you – you know who you are and we all know we would have no Club and no 25 years to celebrate without you.

All the best
